LD matrix generation¶
Snps in the fine-mapping file should be in the same order as in the LD matrix file
LD matrix generation using PAINTOR script¶
Header | Option | Note |
chr | required | Used to choose the reference file |
pos | required | |
effective allele | required | |
baseline allele | required | |
Zscore | required | |
1000g reference | required | |
1000g panel file | required | |
population ethnicity | required |
Usually 1000 genome reference file are splitted into chromosomes, and CalcLD_1KG_VCF.py need to specify reference with matched chromosome
Example code¶
This should not be used directly since it applies to specific files
python CalcLD_1KG_VCF.py
--locus gwas_summary_3_4750808.processed
--reference ALL.chr3.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5a.20130502.genotypes.vcf.gz
--map integrated_call_samples_v3.20130502.ALL.panel
--effect_allele effect_allele
--alt_allele baseline_allele
--population EAS
--Zhead Zscore
--out_name gwas_summary_3_4750808.processed
--position pos
LD matrix generation using raw genotype data and Plink¶
to be added