File formatting


Input requirement

  • Locus file (contain Zscore)
  • LD matrix file
  • Annotation matrix file

For locus file, first line must be the header, only Zscore is required, other information could also be added.
For LD matrix file, if you have the raw genotype data, you can generate the LD matrix yourself, but if you don't, you can use the 1000 Genome data as the reference and use the script provided by PAINTOR to generate the LD matrix
Note: Snps in the locus file must be in the same order as in the LD matrix file and the annotation matrix file

If finemapping alone

Header Option Note
Zscore required

If using 1000G reference to generate LD matrix (most common case)

Header Option Note
chr required
pos required
effective allele required
baseline allele required
Zscore required


Input requirement

  • Only one file containing both Zscore and functional annotation

fgwas does NOT require a LD matrix file, but it require the Zscore and the annotations to be incorporated into ONE file. And all loci should be merged into ONE file and identified by a SEGNUMBER column.

In addition, it has different input requirement for quantitative trait and case-control trait

Quantitative trait

The columns have no enforced order, but are identified from the header

Type 1

Header Option Note
SNPID required
CHR required
POS required
F required allele frequency of one of the alleles of the SNP
Z required Zscore
N required sample size
SEGNUMBER required each locus should have a unique SEGNUMBER, and the file should be ordered accordingly
annotation1 optional
annotation2 optional

Type 2

Header Option Note
SNPID required
CHR required
POS required
F required but not used allele frequency of one of the alleles of the SNP
Z required Zscore
N required but not used sample size
SE required standard error
SEGNUMBER required each locus should have a unique SEGNUMBER, and the file should be ordered accordingly
annotation1 optional
annotation2 optional


for type 2, even though input SE will override F and N, you still need to add these two columns otherwise the program will raise an error. If you do not have the real value of F and N, you can add some pseudo values since they will not be used

Case/control studies

Type 1

Header Option Note
SNPID required
CHR required
POS required
F required allele frequency of one of the alleles of the SNP
Z required Zscore
NCASE required number of cases used in the association study at this SNP
NCONTROL required number of controls used in the association study at this SNP
SEGNUMBER required each locus should have a unique SEGNUMBER, and the file should be ordered according to this column
annotation1 optional
annotation2 optional

Type 2

Header Option Note
SNPID required
CHR required
POS required
F required but not used allele frequency of one of the alleles of the SNP
Z required Zscore
NCASE required but not used number of cases used in the association study at this SNP
NCONTROL required but not used number of controls used in the association study at this SNP
SE required standard error
SEGNUMBER required each locus should have a unique SEGNUMBER, and the file should be ordered according to this column
annotation1 optional
annotation2 optional


For type 2, even though input SE will override F and NCASE and NCONTROL, you still need to add these two columns otherwise the program will raise an error. If you do not have the real value of F and N, you can add some pseudo values since they will not be used


to be added


C++ Version

Input requirement

  • Marginal test statistics file (Z-score file)
  • Correlation matrix file (LD matrix file)


Z-score file

This file should NOT contain header

rs11922846 0.41199
rs2587938 -0.631405
rs1351949 0.269231
rs2587940 -0.786003
rs1825507 -0.514003
LD matrix file

This file should NOT contain header

1.0000e+00 3.4753e-01 1.0000e+00 3.4492e-01 4.3334e-01
3.4753e-01 1.0000e+00 3.4753e-01 9.8494e-01 -2.3178e-01
1.0000e+00 3.4753e-01 1.0000e+00 3.4492e-01 4.3334e-01
3.4492e-01 9.8494e-01 3.4492e-01 1.0000e+00 -2.3003e-01
4.3334e-01 -2.3178e-01 4.3334e-01 -2.3003e-01 1.0000e+00

R Version

R version can incorporate functional annotations into fine-mapping process

Input requirement

  • Marginal test statistics file (Z-score file)
  • Correlation matrix file (LD matrix file)
  • Annotation file

Naming of these three files are as follows:

  • <z-score-file>
  • <z-score-file>.LD
  • <z-score-file>.annotations



gwas_summary_3_4750808.processed gwas_summary_3_4750808.processed.LD gwas_summary_3_4750808.processed.annotations

Z-score file

This file should NOT contain header

rs11922846 0.41199
rs2587938 -0.631405
rs1351949 0.269231
rs2587940 -0.786003
rs1825507 -0.514003
LD matrix file

This file should NOT contain header

1.0000e+00 3.4753e-01 1.0000e+00 3.4492e-01 4.3334e-01
3.4753e-01 1.0000e+00 3.4753e-01 9.8494e-01 -2.3178e-01
1.0000e+00 3.4753e-01 1.0000e+00 3.4492e-01 4.3334e-01
3.4492e-01 9.8494e-01 3.4492e-01 1.0000e+00 -2.3003e-01
4.3334e-01 -2.3178e-01 4.3334e-01 -2.3003e-01 1.0000e+00
Annotation file

This file should NOT contain header, for CAVIARBF R version, annotations could be binary or continuous value.

This example has 7 annotations

0 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0